Black and White Moroccan Tile

Why black and white Moroccan tile?

Undeniably an age old favourite, black and white Moroccan tiles have been the default consideration for everything from bathrooms, hallways to even gardens. Encompassing a traditional timeless look with limitless colours and variations that contrast well, are easy on the eye and are so versatile that they just seem to work with any pattern, design or form.

Fairly recently black and white tiles have been making a comeback, moving away from their more modest look, and are often now used with contemporary, modern and minimalist design styles.

Although there is this evolution in black and white, it still captures that timeless look and is the perfect host for almost any complimentary colour.

The consistent, repetitive play that these 2 colours have between each other speaks well to the balance that they achieve in any environment. Whilst a pattern may make them pop into the foreground, its needless to say they elegantly slip into the background, making them so versatile.

Its almost as important to remember that black wholeheartedly compliments white and vice versa. This monochrome approach although can sometimes feel clinical, similar to grey Moroccan tiles, provides the perfect backdrop to accessories, enhance and elevate any items or products that they put in that space.

In neutral spaces black and white Moroccan tile can be stunning – not only coming into the foreground but acting as a statement and talking piece e.g. in hallways. But in any sense there is that underlying sense of grandeur and that elite that black and white just cannot shake off. There is an unspoken admiration of the simplicity yet directness of the colours, but the strength and confidence in how they compliment each other and fill a space.

How to use black and white Moroccan tile

With something this flexible, sometimes, no matter where and how you put black and white tiles in, they will look stunning. Whether that is across the floor in a hallway with borders, or on a block strip in the kitchen, black and white always has a way of making its presence felt without being too much.

Keep in mind that you can really take advantage of how white can make your spaces feel taller and broader, balanced with a black that will make it feel closer, connected and intimate.

There are a number of tricks with black and white Moroccan tile that you can do to really elevate and enhance the experience.

First of all you want definitely fill an area or space – this really brings the tiles out, gets them in the eyes view but also makes that statement. With black and white being those key colours, in small spaces or small amounts they can be overlooked – but in quantity they speak for themselves.

Yes, there is nothing to say you cannot have squares dotted around, that does communicate a certain personal touch, but when pairing black and white together, you really want it to be visible and out there in the open, instead of contained.

Adding onto that, there is no risk or issue if you have wanted to use another colour that sits in the background, then by all means do so as it does add a bit of character and personality, and where black and white can seem monotone, it breaks up that view.

Similarly, making sure that they are not competing with each other is a brilliant way of demonstrating how well these colours compliment themselves. Whether its black on a white back drop or white on a black back drop (this includes patterns!) do not stress about making one of the colours more dominant than the other. It helps lead, direct and form the view.

Finally, patterns, especially on black and white Moroccan floor tiles add a whole new dimension to two colours that are completely inseparable. When we talk about things that are mesmerising, pleasing to the eye and create intrigue – we are on about patterns whether geometric, hexagonal etc.

The repetitiveness, the consistency, the seamless nature and sense of infinity that patterns in black and white give is second to none – they speak to that raw human creativity and appreciation of the natural breaking of conventions, boundaries and expanding / constricting of dimensions.

Examples of black and white Moroccan tile

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